you are smart. after reading a few of my blog posts, you have easily determined that i am currently a free agent, a bird in the sky, a dandelion in the wind. in other words, i am not employed full time. you have also read about my efforts to embrace this "junk drawer" life and piece together income to support my family AND achieve a liveable lifestyle wherein i can actually spend some waking hours with my children. as a result, i am trying to get creative and i need your opinion.
as you can gather, i enjoy writing, i consider myself pretty good at it, it is something i can do wherever i may be, so i want to explore that avenue. a few weeks ago i answered an ad for a part time writer who can provide "witty content." interesting, huh? what is this opportunity? worth an email. i received a response right away, suggesting i take an online test (free of charge) for an Internet Dating Assistant. apparently, based on my score, i may or may not be invited to manage online dating for busy professionals. what does this entail? writing emails "on behalf of" men (sometimes women) who are seeking a date with another party but who are too busy to engage in this part of the online dating process themselves. my "goal" would be obtaining a meeting with this romantic interest with the busy professional. at this point, i do not know with any certainty if i would be posing as the busy professional and interacting with the romantic interest or if the material i write would go to the busy professional for review by him/her before it is sent to the romantic interest. i have considered taking the test, to find out more.
what do you think? take the poll on my sidebar and let me know.
Is is the same thing as this:
It sounds a bit fishy to me...
This sounds like a scam to me.